
Showing posts from March, 2019
ALL EYES ARE ON SCHAUMBURG VILLAGE ELECTIONS LET'S DO IT MAKES IT HAPPEN Schaumburg is a village of great diversity. We need leadership that is willing to look for the right answers to needs and provide solutions that will move Schaumburg forward. Nafees Rahman, Dhitu Bhagwakar and Rocco Terranova are those voices. Eliminate Unnecessary Spending Cut 5% or $12.5 million in spending across the board excluding public safety (police & fire) Reduce the number of employees through attrition & retirement Explore privatization of non-essential services for cost savings Eliminate redundant services offered by other governments “Schaumburg government has grown to a size we can no longer financially afford. More than $500 million in debt – which is higher than many neighboring communities our size – is more than we can manage. It’s time to tighten our belts and live within our means. The days of extravagance and reckless spending need to stop.” – Nafees...